Monday, November 2, 2009

Praise the Divine!

Praise the Divine! Appreciate and Let Gratitude Make Your Heart Sing

As a person’s chakras are energized and activated, the Kundalini starts to rise (Kundalini Aro-ha-nam or Kundalini Rising) and then, after piercing the Sahasrara (Thousand Petal Lotus, or Crown Chakra on top of head), Kundalini starts its downward journey (Kundalini Avarohanam) bringing in the blessings of the heaven!
Kundalini Arohanam is the rise of Shakti (Nature of potential power is feminine) from within from the Root (first) Chakra; Mother’s (Devi’s) shakti is given to every person inherently and rising Kundalini signifies the increasing potential of that person.
As Kundalini works through and pierces the 7th Chakra (Crown, or top of head), it will join the Cosmic powers (Shiva Shakti) and starts and the energies acquire a flow and becomes Kinetic Energy – converting potential that we have developed thus far, with collective energies of the network of souls – to a flow – for our personal benefit, and also the multitude of people around us. Kundalini shakti is made of a feminine (Shakti) and a masculine (Shiva) energy.
You may have seen some Diksha = Oneness Blessing Givers who adopt the Bhakti Yoga (Yoga means “Union”, achieved through the means of love and devotion) such as Saktiji. Asking receivers to say “Amma” when drawing in your breath (inhale with the nurturing and oxygenating “Amma!”) and “Bhagavan” when exhaling (breathe out). Amma is the Devi Shakti that provides you the means to work your Kundalini to rise, cleanse you as it rises, providing you the necessary means to nurture you as you draw in air with appreciation!
Saying “Bhagavan” while you exhale and breathe out gratefully (or “Bhagavan and Amma,”) thus surrendering all of your impurities for purification, and your inner potential to the Divine for the greatest good! Do this at least thrice when you begin Diksha = Oneness Blessing or meditations. Kundalini energies of Appreciation (Feminine energy, attracts, and draws in creating an inward flow, or inhaling), and Gratitude (Masculine energy will make it flow outwards) make the two sides of the Holy Grail in which God\'s Grace can be held or savored! “Appreciate” your opportunities of Satsangs (good, spiritual gatherings) or Holy Communion, and let “Gratitude” make your heart sing in your prayers! Praising the Divine is thus at the core or “heart” of many religions and spiritual practices to usher in the transformational energies to work with a person! The Union of Appreciation and Gratitude is the true marriage that produces true love!
Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love!
On the flip side, there is "distrust", and “fear", which make up the "Cup of Misery".

You block healing and positive energies from coming in if you "distrust" which blocks the flow of love inwards; and "fear" distances you from what you desire!
Praising the Divine with the following has great positive effects:

“Hai Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahma, Purushottama Paramathma, Aishwarya Pradhata, Pahimaam Pahimaam, Rakshamaam, Rakshamaam!"

Meaning: The Supreme Soul appearing as the best of humans, One whose "Good" (Sat) "Will" (Chit) is the basis for creation of lasting "Bliss" (Ananda), Giver of Abundance (of good things we enjoy in life), Grace, Please grant us Your Grace (purify us, purify us – twice for emphasis) - to dissolve all of our past Karma, Please protect us, Please protect us – from any future bad Karma (or karmic debt) from accumulating! Aishwarya – Abundance; ParaBramha – Supreme Bramha or Over Arching Principle of Creation (namely for our bliss that is eternal and evolving); Purushottama – combination of “Purusha” (mankind) and “Uttama” (Best); ParamAtma – combination of “Param” –Supreme, and “Atma” – Soul or Consciousness; Pahi-maam – purify us; Rakshamaam – protect us from future difficulties and calamities; maam – us;

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